Taking The Leap Into A Full-Time Career In Acting | Havilah Davis
Havilah is an American actress based in London, England. She found performing in theatre as a place where her shyness and insecurities disappeared. Back then, she frequently played the villain or the drunk, but eventually added some leading lady roles into the mix. After doing her undergraduate training in theatre at Colorado State University, she worked off and on as an actress and drama teacher. That all led to her deciding to complete a Masters of Fine Arts in Acting in the British Tradition at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.
As an actress, she’s had the joy of playing the damsel in distress in a western melodrama, cheeky swing dancing ladies in musical theatre and Amish women trying to make the best of their life on film. Now, she’s living in the UK with her husband who crossed the pond as well. Since coming to England, she’s had the opportunity to play a variety of roles in the English canon. Some favourites have been Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet, Ross in Macbeth, Hymen & Touchstone in As You Like It, and Mrs. Foresight in Love for Love.
Produced by: Northgate Marketing, Inc.
Host: David Allen Tracy